FlyRoomsMadrid offers you completely independent access to your accommodation.

In your booking confirmation you will receive all the information regarding the check-in process.

Remember that this accommodation does not have a reception service. If you have any issues you can contact the staff at Hotel Clement Barajas (in front of FlyRoomsMadrid).

The check-in process is carried out independently from the guest’s mobile phone.



FlyRooms does not have a reception service.

We inform you of the steps to follow to check in:

  1. Before check-in – Download our James&Rita app. Enter your personal information in two easy steps (process enabled as soon as you receive our booking confirmation).
  2. You can complete the self check-in process via the app from 3pm on your arrival date (permitted check-in time).
  3. If your room was not paid for at the time of booking:
    Payment for your stay will be paid during the self check-in process via the payment gateway on our James&Rita app.

    To activate your room key on the app, you must pay 100% of your booking through the payment gateway on the James&Rita app.
  1. Once payment has been made or if your booking is already prepaid, the James&Rita app will provide you with a virtual key to access FlyRooms.
    Press the key button to download electronic key. Always press the key button to activate it before opening the door. (Bluetooth on also)
  2. Hold the virtual key from our James&Rita app up to the reader at the entrance to gain access to the building. Repeat the same step to access your room.

If you have any problems during the check-in process, you can contact us. We offer 24-hour support, 365 days a year.

All FlyRoomsMadrid bookings must be made exclusively online.